We are a community of freelance journalists, writers, filmmakers and photographers who report on peace from their inner and outer peaceful insight.
We have dedicated our lives to worldwide peace. Our spiritual home and orientation are the Light Awareness Philosophy by David Wared. The resulting philosophical peace movement was founded in Düsseldorf, Germany. Its roots go back to the foundation of the Light Awareness Philosophy in 1974.
Our report is open, free, respectful and appreciative of all aspects and facets of peace. We report on peace in social, cultural, political and economic coexistence in this world.
Awareness of peace contributes to the fact that global peace, which for the first time remains sustainable, can be essentially-realized in this century.
Mechthild Assmann | Chief Editor
Mobil +49-179-700 73 04
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Susanne Knopp | photographer & writer
Mobil +49-151-915 10 900
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Beate Knopp | Freelance Journalist & author
Mobil +49-151-915 10 901
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Stefanie Horst | writer & translator
Mobil +49-151-915 10 903
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Monika Koppe-Rulands | philosophical consultant
Mobil +49-151-915 10 902