Colombia: Kogi – Guardians of the Earth

Wanamake – A Kogi Community in the Sierra Nevada / Colombia

The Kogi – descendants of the aborigines of Colombia. Not least because of their way of life, they are still very close and connected to Mother Earth. They see themselves as the guardians of the earth. So, they understand it as their task to restore the balance of the earth through many traditional rituals and ceremonies. They call themselves the “big” brothers, in contrast to all the others who are the “little” brothers for them.

A group of the light-conscious peace movement sets out to meet the Kogi. Many of the Kogi- communities live secluded in the mountains and so it is not so easy to contact them. With a guide announced in advance, it is possible to reach the Wanamake community by bus, motorbike and by foot. The Kogi check the energy of the people they want to visit. So, Mama Manuel, the spiritual head of Wanamake, is standing in front of the village to check if the group of visitors can get in. The pure intention of peace is palpable for him. Together, the walk to the village is kept in silence as a Walk of Peace.

The entrance of the village is indicated by a large heart-shaped stone in the ground. The group pauses in dignity and respect for the tradition of the Kogi. Five selected Kogi, including two Mamas, are available for exchange. Talks about the understanding of the protection and healing of Mother Earth and the understanding of peace show many similarities. In the course of the conversation Mama-Kogi Vincente announces that he sees the peace travellers from Germany as a kind of Kogi brothers, since the light-conscious attitude and respect to Mother Earth correspond to the Kogi.

In this connection it becomes possible to meditate together in a holy place for the earth and peace on earth and to perform some holy Kogi-rituals. Holy blessings are given by the group to the Kogi. Once again this expresses the respect, appreciation and respect with which deep heartfelt connection is felt.
