Kogi – Guardians of the Earth in the Sierra Nevada / Colombia

Indigenous peoples of this earth have always had a special connection to the spiritual source of origin. They have been fed energetically from it and carried these energies through their intensive earth connection in the respective countries into their everyday life. The history of almost all indingenous people brought separation from this eternal source. Conquest, colonization and christianization caused that original trust, original confidence and original certainty were shaken and inwardly separated. Since that time and therefore in many following generations the complete and whole memory, connection and communication with the origin is missing. 
Thus, the indigenous and primitive peoples of this earth cannot carry out their task to the full extent, to carry the earth together and connected and to impulse mankind with their wisdom. The inner healing of this history is the responsibility of all people involved, because every healing process needs the fully responsible decision for it out of free choice. And every healing process is accompanied by forgiveness processes towards oneself and towards the others. In this way, the human being frees himself from victim-perpetrator cycles, becomes free from everything that has happened and becoming healed begins.

working together for health and peace
Light awareness – setting and accompanying healing impulses
Healers from the Light Aware Peace Community and Peace Movement from Germany, trained in the Philosophy of Light Awareness and its various therapeutic and healing approaches to humans, animals, plants and Mother Earth, travel to the peoples of this earth to support accompanying healing processes. The basis of it is the knowledge and wisdom about the origin of the creation and the own realizations of inner healing processes. The Light Awareness Philosophy describes the process of creation philosophically deductive, clear and comprehensible. Thereby it becomes clearly recognizable that all existence, all creation and all living beings originate from one source. This source is purely spiritual and is described in the Philosophy of Light Awareness. It includes 11 basic values, which work eternally, infinitely and immortally with their information, their consciousness and their energy as so-called existences.
The 11 basic values are named as light, love, life, order, harmony, rhythm, freedom, peace, truth, love and the all-encompassing unity. They are the origin of all being. And thus present in all living beings. The extent to which re-membering, reconnecting and communicating takes place has to do with the consciousness of each individual. In contrast to system peoples, indigenous peoples and primitive peoples often have an inkling of this origin.
Intensive connections with the Kogi – significance of men and women
The Kogi, guardians of the earth in the Sierra Nevada / Colombia, are such an indigenous people. With their spiritual leaders, the Mamos, they have spiritually trained wise men who work in their communities and also together. Our close relationship with them has grown over a number of years. Trust was built and so we as healers are allowed to support them today and share our wisdom with them. It is especially important to us to include the women and children as well, so that the spirit-soul knowledge is not only accessible to individual men, but to all who are interested. Both, the masculine, bearer of spirit, and the feminine, bearer of consciousness, are essential in their connection, so that the eternal and infinite spiritual-soul wisdom can be received, expressed and lived alive.
cleaning the aura as a daily routine
Aura cleansing as a daily cleansing from toddler age
For example, we show the daily aura cleansing that every mother can do for her infant. Children and teenagers can do it themselves. This cleansing of one’s own energy body contributes to the fact that 2/3 of all illnesses that the individual encounters do not find a breeding ground in the energetic field. Gradually, through education, counseling, accompaniment, assistance and treatment, the memory, connection and communication with the origin can come again. Then all 11 basic values are there, present and existing in a delighted person, who makes others happy and is aware of the over-joying.