COMPAZ – Peace work in Colombia

Meeting in Bogota with Fundación Compaz of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Juan Manuel Santos

The former president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, was among others the initiator of the peace agreement with the FARC rebels and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016. After his term of office, he founded Fundación COMPAZ, with a clear focus on individual and global peace, which continues the peace work begun in Colombia. In an interview with GPP, the director of COMPAZ, Ms. Paula Gaviria, said that the 2016 peace agreement had created the external framework conditions for ending the war. Now the peace work inside the people will follow.

In a presentation about the Philosophy of Light Awareness, Ms. Gaviria discovered aspects of peace that also fit her view of the peace process.
So, also the statement: Peace begins in me.
Mrs. Paula Gaviria and also Mrs. María Antonia Santos, Project Director, describe that they spoke with many people who still carry deep wounds of war within themselves. So, you can say that an entire nation carries memories of the war within itself and it is about healing through forgiveness.

Cooperation towards peace

The Philosophy of Light Awareness offers people various, individually appropriate approaches to enable inner healing processes through a variety of methods. With all these possibilities, a cooperation offer to COMPAZ for peace work in Colombia is presented. First ideas are developed and further exchange is agreed upon.

Peace work instead of war fields

The creation of the City of Peace Colombia together with the Colombian family Duarte-Torres near Palomino / Sierra Nevada is interestingly received by COMPAZ. There, a place will be created where peace education and healing of the human being will be possible for everyone. To live in this peace community and to realize one’s own development towards reconnection with the inner essence, with freedom, peace, truth, love and unity, is the goal and orientation of the City of Peace.

Experience, discover and recognize the peace that you are!

Thanks to Mrs. Paula Gaviria for the GPP interview about her experiences and lessons learned in peace work in Colombia.