David Wared speaks to the Maori

Peace Dinner with the Maori in New Zealand

During the World Healing Tour 2019 a Peace Dinner is hosted at the end of the stay to New Zealand. Representatives of the Maori tribes Ngã Puhi und Waikato, with whom the light-awareness peace community has come into encounter, are invited to attend.
This is David Wared, Founder of Light Awareness Philosophy and Vision donor for the World Tour for Peace:

“Beloved Maori!
I have learned from the WIND clarification and letting go.

I have learned from the FIRE lighting and change.
I have learned from the WATER cleaning and deepening.
I have learned from the EARTH primal strength and evolution.

Maori, in your SPIRIT I have recognized ETERNITY.
Maori, in your SOUL I have recognized INFINITY.
Maori, in your LIFE I have recognized IMMORTALITY.
Maori, You are the Gate to Heaven, You are the Light Pillar on Earth.

My ancestors send me for your admiration.
I came to you for your homage and blessing.
I came to you for your pacification and protection.

My heart,
My soul and
My spirit are wide open,

clear and pure for you and all of yours.

I came to you out of
Peace, Freedom, Truth, Love and Unity
to be with you
in Order of Spirit,
in Harmony of Soul and
in vivid Rhythm of Life.

I have from my ancestors a disclosure of Unity.
I have from my origin a revelation of Unity.
Maori, with you I long for the uniting to origin.
We are really ONE.

Let’s unite in Peace, Freedom, Truth, Love and Unity.
Let’s shine – out of spirit’s order.
Let’s love – out of soul’s harmony.
Let’s live – out of life’s rhythm.

Please, let’s protect all life and give shelter to all living.
Please, let’s donate safety to all existence and give safety to all creatures in Earth.
Please, let’s always carry in heart all animals, all plants, all human beings, all light creatures and our Mother Earth.

Let me express my thanks and devotion to you, I love you and I bow to you.
In gratitude, blissfulness and love.

David Wared and Family from World Tour for Peace Germany”