Earth healing as a matter of heart

Earth healing according to Light Awareness is a conscious decision.

Light-awareness people lovingly call our blue planet Mother Earth. They consciously perceive and remain grateful that the earth gives us human beings, out of herself, everything that makes our life on it possible.
And all this free of charge, without any condition and with the greatest possible goodwill. Earth healing according to Light Awareness is also a giving back, a payback for all abuse, exploitation, spoliation and injuries that humans have caused and effected.

What is special about earth healing according to Light Awreness? It is, beyond gratitude, to bless Mother Earth, to transmit her healing energy, to express love and connectedness, to preserve and protect her. Earth healing begins in the human awareness and ends in acting, which is aimed at the sustainable well-being of all inhabitants of the earth.

Earth Healing in constitution
Thanks to all people who have been committed to protecting the environment so far. Environmental protection is part of the healing of the earth in light awareness. Nature conservation may find its way into the basic laws of all nations. For light-awareness people, nature conservation actions are an imperative from their innermost thoughts and feelings. It is a matter of course for all people, society, politics and economy to adhere to environmental standards and to constantly develop them further.

Earth Healing  is spiritual, soully and physical healing
Light-awareness people are dedicated to replanting, cleaning and keeping water clean from its source to the oceans. They create healthy habitats for plants, animals and the earth. Examples of physical healing work are the restoration of natural river courses, the finding of solutions for the disposal of space debris and the harmful effects of artificial electromagnetic radiation.

Earth healing according to Light Awareness is also the sending of spiritual impulses to Mother Earth, which are received by her. The primal connection between humans and earth is restored. Earth healers set energetic light pillars, make light essence anchoring and use the universal Light Essence for healing. Light Essence, also called Essence Power, is the fifth power in the universe. It connects all physical forces and causes and effects all creation.