New Business Forms

Companies for Peace: Order, Harmony and Rhythm

In everyday business life, many people are familiar with the orientation towards monetary profit expectations and maximizing performance right up to functionalism. With new approaches, the Light Awareness Philosophy is setting signs for a new, transformed corporate culture with an inner and outer orientation towards peace. The message is: Awareness and responsibility instead of functioning. The well-being of all and the sustainability of actions are new orientations in everyday professional life. Monetary profit belongs to a successful company, but is no longer the primary focus. Aligned to the essentially-real human longing for fulfilment of purpose in one’s life, it is important for every entrepreneur and employee, to recognize one’s own vocation in order to be able to work with full presence and strength.

Every company creates true values through its products and the ingenuity of new inventions to support people, all beings and to heal the earth. People who have gone their inner path to an discover of fullness and who are in recognition of their vocation become “new” and true entrepreneurs. They show that “business” with a shifted alignment is not only possible, but deeply fulfilling. In a light-awareness corporate culture, it is all about the alignment towards peace of all parties involved. Meditation for one’s own reflection and inner clarification is a suitable means for this in everyday corporate life. It helps and supports the inner order, helps to harmonize and enables the development of the rhythm of a company. It is always about the highest ethics, sustainability, support and development of all those involved in the value chain. It is about the return of profit to those involved and to new corporate projects that come to being in accordance with the new philosophy.