Folklore in Brazil

Peace as the ONE culture of a connected World Family

Culture creates identity – Culture limits

Every form of culture gives people a kind of home. We feel safe, are part of it, know what to do in different situations and what is definitely not possible. The more a person is connected with “his” culture and identifies with it, the more he believes that he is the culture. He reduces his true nature down to identities.
Cultural identity is one of them. With the identification of one’s own assumed culture separation begins among themselves. Belonging or not belonging to a culture separates people. Here intercultural work can enable initial steps to be taken to remove separation. How can people respect, admit and accept each other’s cultures and how can people find “that” which unites all life behind the cultures? The Light Awareness Philosophy provides answers.

Massai women in traditional clothing

When people know and feel that beyond every culture there is “something” where we are all equal, where we are all one, this connects us to a big world family. It doesn’t matter anymore what happens in different places on earth, because the whole world is the home of my family.
This “something” can be philosophically filled and derived. The Light Awareness Philosophy describes that we all have our origin in peace, love, truth, freedom and unity. To experience, to discover and to recognize this is the task of all people.
Everything begins with the peace in us. And with the peace in us everything changes: the orientation towards peace in me, in my thoughts, my feelings and my actions. Every human being, every animal, every plant belongs to this family equally.

Encounter of wise old and wise young