Light Awareness Community on peace journey

Peace Journeys

Journeys of the community of Light Awareness Philosophy are always journeys to the people´s hearts.

People of every skin color, religion and culture are honored and appreciated. It is about deep and heartly encounter in the apparent otherness of others. Blessings, joy and miracles, which are inherent in the innermost core of every human being, are given away. Thus, in each encounter, the fundamental goodness of creation is recalled. Light Awareness journeys serve integration and support the feeling of the original connectedness with all people.

Kenya, encountering the Akambas, Tsavo National Park

Journeys of the community of Light Awareness Philosophy are always journeys to animals and nature.

Plants, trees, animals and Mother Earth are admired, honored in equal value and equal dignity. On the spiritual level through meditations, on the soul level through the healing and giving gaze and in lively actions through protection, renaturation and reactivation of original conditions.

Peace meditation – Kenya, Shimba Hills National Reserve

Journeys of the community of Light Awareness Philosophy are always journeys to oneself, but never for oneself.

Travelling is engaging oneself in the other in order to recognize oneself in the other. By experiencing and discovering other religions and cultures, unfamiliar nature, intensive encounters with animals, one’s own limiting and restrictive constructs, ideas and imprints can be recognized and released. Light Awareness journeys are journeys to widen horizons and deepen consciousness. The human being is given the opportunity to recognize the true meaning of life by discovering. He recognizes his global responsibility and changes towards a sustainable and extended human orientation of his thinking, feeling and actions.

Germany, Light Awareness Congress, Hamburg

Journeys of the community of Light Awareness Philosophy are always peace journeys.

They are journeys of peaceful people. They have recognized that peace is eternal, infinite and unchangeable. Peace is peace, no matter how much discord is caused, triggered and brought about on the outside. Peace is peace, no matter whether peace is perceived and lived: Peace is always there. Peace can be remembered and recognized by every human being in itself. Thus, peace becomes alive in man. Every human being is an essential component for the realization of a world in peace, which lives peace over generations and maintains peace. Peace always begins in oneself. The Light Awareness community encounters every creature peaceably, peacefully and peace-loving.
It has been recognized: Peace is your origin!
