Personalities already in kindergartens…

Peace education ist Peace connection

According to the Light Awareness Philosophy, sustainable peace education begins at pre-school age.  The “educators” and pedagogues are companions, advisors and non-judgmental initiators on a path of consciousness of the child, which leads to peace with themselves and their external world. The children experience a broad offer at learning possibilities and testing fields, which address the planes of spirit, soul and body. Participation in research and fields of activity of the “adults” is already available to the youngest.

The prerequisite for this is an open, free, peaceful, loving, truthful and connecting atmosphere. As early as in the Light-kindergarten, the focus is therefore on relationship instead of child-rearing. Dedicated and empathic companions help to preserve and furtheron develop the children’s openness through the principle of “challenging, supporting and finding”. They thus enable their best possible physical, soul and spiritual development according to their talents and possibilities. These are inherent in the children and become recognized and developed. Through experimenting, the children get to know themselves, new perspectives open up to them, they find their talents and create from their potential. Personalities are formed.

This way, the foundations are laid for the young people to find their task in life and to essentially-realize it in the best possible way. The connectedness with all humans, animals, plants and the earth is brought along within the nature of all children and may find its expression in the most diverse way. This is encouraged and deepened by Light-kindergartens.

Light educators orient themselves and their work towards the 11 basic values of the Light Awareness Philosophy: Light – Love – Life, Order – Harmony – Rhythm, Peace – Freedom – Love – Truth – Unity.
Light kindergartens are the most open and free places to develop personalities. Openness means allowing the variety, diversity and multiplicity of perspectives and possibilities, to accept the constant change in life and to see and seize the opportunities in it. Freedom is always connected with the assumption of full responsibility. Responsibility for oneself, for one’s fellow human beings and for all of creation.

From early on, children learn to take responsibility for their thinking, feeling and acting. Peaceful, benevolent communication is lived from an early age. The children know, feel and sense the truth, find peaceful solutions for emerging conflicts. That way the course is set for a world in peace.
Love, curiosity and longing are innate to all people – a Light-kindergarten creates the space to support the medial abilities of small children. Children living nowadays have already been born with an expanded consciousness. They cognitively and sensitively reflect what is true or what is constructed within systems. Children are impulse givers for adults and creators of a new time in peace.