There is no alternative to Global Peace

David Wared’s vision of world peace
Peace is a state that seems difficult to achieve, yet there is no way to delay it any longer and to act aggressively or warlike according to old habits. The good news is that peace is a primal state of the human being and of life itself. A peaceful life thus paves the way to recognition and from it the highest truth can reveal itself to man. The truth of peace in us.

What blocks peace in us?
All life has within it an ambition to ennoble itself and to realize itself on all levels. In order for eternal expansion and development to become possible, there may be no blockades, obstacles or mutual annihilation. Everything may exist unhindered, express itself freely and be in unconditional acceptance of all others. The fact that man makes other experiences is due to his reduced point of view and his limited consciousness, which he applies and whose expansion he does not allow. Peace expresses what is free, true, loving and one. All answers are included in it, for only in peace is real recognition and free development possible.

Together in peace

Vision of Worldwide Peace
The vision of peace describes a constant world in which all people act truly and all are aware that humanity forms a unity. People bear within themselves a higher consciousness than is expressed today. To recognize this is the evolution that man is currently performing. David Wared has contributed something essential to this with his Light Awareness Philosophy. He has brought these insights to people, healed, taught and initiated them since decades.
Liberated, healed and self-recognized, people live highest information, highest awareness and in their highest energy and knowledge about their true meaning of life and their immortality. They are joyful, alive and blissful, fulfill their vocation and feel the deepest touch when they can bring others forward. They are at peace with themselves, with their fellow human beings, with all beings on earth and with Mother Earth herself. In this world no more exploitation can take place, because the fullness of the whole being is accessible to everyone, because everyone devotes themselves to it. In this way they contribute so that everything flows freely and the whole is fulfilled.
In order to realize all this, education, liberation, healing and the extension of consciousness are necessary. Since his childhood, David Wared has been committed to this in complete devotion to all life, every day. He is certain: Worldwide Peace is possible!

Encounter in Peace
