UNO General Assembly, New York

USA: UNO General Assembly in New York, 2019

Vision of Light Awareness: Maintaining World Peace through a World Government

The United Nations (193 states) meets in New York for its annual General Assembly, which lasts several days. One of the aims of the UN is to maintain world peace. UN delegates and high-ranking politicians, media, security forces: People on every corner who work on global issues in and with the UN.

For members of the Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V. there will be various talks in New York to support the vision of worldwide peace. The vision of a world government will be presented at a place with representatives from almost all states.
As soon as it has been recognized by political, social and economic organs that the world family of mankind is a political, economic and ecological reality, all states can unite to form a world government. At their meetings and conferences, the same voting weight of all states is expressed. Realizing worldwide peace is its highest aim.

Right next to Ground Zero, the site of the attacks of 9/11, stands the Oculus, a building shaped like a great Dove of Peace. Two public peace meditations of the Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V. take place at this symbolic place. In personal conversations, the deep longing of many people for peace and the interest in contributing to the realization of the Vision Worldwide Peace NOW! becomes evident.

The Oculus, next to Ground Zero
