From consciousness to awareness

Peace building for a lifetime

Scientific, cognitive education has the highest priority for most people in the world. Everyone who is on this path experiences esteem and material appreciation. But it is evident to all, and increasingly perceptible, that the world, the states, and even individuals are approaching the limits of rationalism.

Borders are visible in understanding and explaining the world in its diversity and multiplicity. Borders are visible in finding solutions to the world’s pressing questions and problems. Borders are visible, finding ways of a meaningful shaping of the future to go. Borders are visible in business, politics, ecology, nature and animal protection, culture, health and nutrition, society and education. Past Human behavior has brought the world to these limits.Limits can as well be chances. Chances to recognize that there is something behind the borders.

People of all ages are preoccupied with the meaning of mankind:

  • Where do I come from?
  • Where do I go?
  • What is the meaning of all this?
  • What is my task here on earth?

For the first time, Light Awareness Philosophy explains the origin of creation in a comprehensible, complete and open way for every human being. It shows ways in which the entire creation can live peacefully together and for one another. The Light Awareness Philosophy has led to the development of a variety of educational programs. The pillars of light-awareness education are, on the one hand, spiritual education, which has clear thinking as its goal.

Researching and developing innovations as well as the latest techniques is the creation from the highest-potential. Soul education is on an equal level with it. Intuition is supported in order not to make decisions from the head alone, but to trust the wisdom of the heart. Only in the interplay of clear thinking and pure feeling perfect actions can arise, which serve the well-being of all inhabitants of the earth. This enables people to take real responsibility for a global peace society as well as developing and implementing answers and solutions for the challenges of the time.

Education according to the Light Awareness Philosophy is free, open, trusting and supportive. It is self-motivating, responsible and accompanies the whole life from infancy up to highest age. It means the development of personal potential and a unique vocation.